Follow this link for a list of suggestions for professional development for virtual education, please note that this is not an endorsement:

MOCAP Guidance Information

MOCAP Guidance may be found under 5 CSR 20-100.230 Virtual Instruction Program  in the Administrative Regulations, published in the Missouri Code of State Regulations.


Students taking more than two MOCAP courses must have an individualized learning plan maintained in the LEA’s student records. An LEA may develop its own learning plan for students or use the  ICAP that is available through the Office of College and Career Readiness under School Counseling. For elementary students an LEA may develop their own learning plan or use the template provided.


A LEA must post its MOCAP enrollment policy on its homepage and inform parents/guardians of the student rights to participate in MOCAP.


  • Delivery Method = V
  • Used for ADA and State Calculation of Attendance = True
  • Teachers track student attendance = False
  • Student receives a grade other than NC (No Credit), I or IC (Incomplete) the student will receive 94% of the available attendance for that period. This means the student completed the course.
  • Student receives a grade of I or IC the student will receive 47% of the available attendance for that period. This means the student completed half the course requirements as far as the district is concerned.
  • Student receives a NC or a blank grade the student will receive 0% of the available attendance for that period. This means the student didn’t complete half the course requirements as far as the district is concerned.
  • The main trigger between 94% and 100% is Teachers track student attendance.
  • If this setting is True then we calculate the course attendance like general course taught within the actual school.
  • If the teacher is required to take daily attendance for that student in that course, the course should count for full attendance.
  • This means the student would receive 100% of available attendance on days they attended.
  • Any student enrolled by the district in one or more MOCAP courses must be included on both the October and June core data submissions. This is true even if the student withdraws from the course. The October files tell DESE which students are enrolled in which courses. The June files tell us the outcome of those courses. It is very important that both files include the same students/courses.
  • Any student enrolled by the district in one or more MOCAP courses must be included on both the October and June core data submissions. This is true even if the student withdraws from the course. The October files tell DESE which students are enrolled in which courses. The June files tell us the outcome of those courses. It is very important that both files include the same students/courses.
  • Any student enrolled by the district in one or more MOCAP courses must be coded as a 50 or 52 in the Program Code field along with a V or S for the Delivery System. Please refer to the charts listed in MOCAP Guidance if you’re unsure of which program code or delivery system to use.
  • MOCAP Guidance
  • Individual SIS programs vary but some require them to have the district listed as both the sending and receiving district in order for their Student Assignment files to pull appropriately and to include MOCAP students/courses. If your files are not pulling appropriately from your SIS, it may be for this reason.
  • If the district is contacted by a vendor and advised that your core data submissions are not matched to the vendor report, the first step is to determine if this student is enrolled in your district and if so, whether or not the district approved the MOCAP course and enrolled the student.
  • If the student is both enrolled in the district and approved for MOCAP enrollment, check the October core data submission to ensure that the student is coded correctly. If the student is not enrolled in the district or was denied MOCAP enrollment, please communicate the facts to the vendor.
  • Please note that in the event of school closures, courses taken through the MOCAP program will need to be entered with Program Code 50 if the teacher is provided by the MOCAP vendor or Program Code 52 if the teacher is provided by the district or charter but is using MOCAP curriculum. These program codes will need to be used regardless of where the instruction is taking place because in either circumstance it will not be taking place in the school building. Please note that Program Codes 50 and 52 are ONLY for MOCAP courses. Courses developed by an LEA or through a cooperative agreement will not use a program code.

MOSIS – August Core Data Cycle, Screen 3

The contact person entered on Screen 3 will receive information about MOCAP appeals and updates to the program. Please ensure this contact is accurate. It is critical that this information is always current. Please note, the screen currently asks for the MOCAP facilitator.


Core Data/MOSIS October Cycle 2021 Webinar

This webinar provides information on updates for the new school year and the October Cycle of Core Data/MOSIS. This also allowed participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback and was recorded for future viewing.


  • MOCAP requires that all teachers be appropriately certificated. Attendance hours for any educator without a valid Missouri teaching certificate will not be allowed for state aid purposes.
  • Virtual courses will use Exhibit 34 –Instruction via Technology for delivery systems.


  • LEAs will identify MOCAP Instruction courses with MOCAPI in the Virtual Instruction field and V in the Course Delivery System fieldin the MOSIS October Course Assignmentor June Summer Course Assignment.
  • For courses identified with MOCAPI and delivery system V, the educator does not need to be reported because the appropriate certification has already been verified by MOCAP.
  • LEAs with a direct partnership, memorandum of understanding (MOU), or district site license will not use MOCAPI, even if the provider is approved through MOCAP.

MOCAPC** –Curriculum Only in MOSIS

  • LEAs will identify MOCAP Curriculum Only courses with MOCAPCin the Virtual Instruction field and V in the Course Delivery System field in the MOSIS October Course Assignmentor June Summer Course Assignment.
  • For MOCAP Curriculum Only courses, theLEA must use an appropriately certificated teacher.
  • For courses that do not have a MOCAP teacher, the LEA will report educator information in the MOSIS October Educator Core and Educator School files.
  • If an LEA does not have an appropriately certificated teacher, the course cannot be reported as a MOCAP course. Therefore, leave the Virtual Instruction field blank.

When Reporting MOCAPIor MOCAPC**

  • LEAs must use a course name and number from the MOCAP Course Catalog.
  • Check the course catalog regularly for updates, as courses can be added or removed from one semester to the next.
  • Contact DESE’s MOCAP office for confirmation before using MOCAPC; curriculum-only MOCAP courses are rare.
  • Do not report At-Risk (994210), AcademicProgram Off-Campus (996001), or Study Hall (999999). These courses are not in the MOCAP Course Catalog.

Direct Partnerships

  • In a direct partnership with Launch, LEAs will not report course or student assignments for Launch courses; Launch will report this data on LEAs’ behalf in the October and June cycles.
  • For all other direct partnerships, MOUs, or district site licenses, please check with the virtual provider to confirm reporting details in the agreement.

LEAs as Courseware Providers That are NOT in the MOCAP Course Catalog

  • Section 162.1049, RSMo,requires that a nonresident district and resident district shall accept each other’s credits.
  • LEAs may develop and provide online courses for other LEAs if standards in Section 162.1250, RSMo,have been met.
  • When purchasing virtual education from a Missouri LEA, the educating LEA (receiving) must coordinate with the sending LEA (where the student is enrolled) under the Cooperative Agreement –Resident I.
  • These are not MOCAP courses, so do not report anything in the Virtual Instruction field; enter only the delivery systemfrom Exhibit 34.

Virtual Providers That are NOT in the MOCAP Course Catalog

  • LEAs may use commercial virtual providers that have not been vetted through MOCAP; however, the LEA is responsible for ensuring that statutory requirements have been met.
  • LEAs will input the teacher of record for virtual courses that are not MOCAP approved.
  • Virtual courses that are dual enrollment do not require the instructor to be reported.
  • A MOCAP provider may also offer additional courses that are not MOCAP approved and cannot be reported with MOCAPI or MOCAPC. Leave the Virtual Instruction field blank and enter the delivery system according to Exhibit 34 of S for Electronic Media or V for Virtual in the October Course Assignment.

Reporting for Virtual Education in MOSIS

Provider of Virtual CourseVirtual Instruction Field in October Course AssignmentDelivery SystemTeacher of Record Reported ByAssurance Curriculum is Aligned
MOCAP – Curriculum OnlyMOCAPCVLEA where student is enrolled and attending using its own educatorMOCAP
Developed by LEALeave blankVLEA where student is enrolled and attendingLEA where student is enrolled and attending
Purchased from another LEALeave blankVReceiving/Educating LEAReceiving/Educating LEA
Purchased from commercial provider outside of the MOCAP programLeave blankVLEA where student is enrolled and attending reports educator information from provider or uses its own educatorLEA where student is enrolled

MOCAP Host District Scenario

We are an approved MOCAP provider. We have out-of-district students and in-district students taking these courses. How should we report these courses for both our students and MOCAP students? Do the courses need to be broken up and reported as MOCAP for out-of-district students and just virtual for our students? Or do we report the course as MOCAP for all students? Do we use school code 8000 for all of the courses or just of out-of-district students?

DistrictSchool CodeVirtual InstructionDelivery System
Student A taking online MOCAP kindergarten courseOut of district8000MOCAPIV
Student B taking online MOCAP kindergarten courseIn district4020 (example elementary school code)BlankV