MOCAP Course Provider

Online learning providers that offer MOCAP courses. Students may request one or more courses from these providers, which are paid for by their resident school district when the district approves the enrollment.


Full-Time Hosted MOCAP Program

Online learning providers that are part of a Missouri public school district, university, or charter school. Students who attend full-time hosted MOCAP programs must be Missouri residents and will transfer from their current school to the MOCAP provider’s host district, university or charter. State aid is paid directly to the host district for students enrolled in the full-time hosted MOCAP program.


Local Education Agency (LEA)

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are local school districts or charter schools.


Synchronous Learning

Synchronous learning refers to online or virtual learning activities that happen in real-time, where students and teachers interact simultaneously. This includes activities such as live video classes, virtual meetings, or discussions that occur at scheduled times.


Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous learning refers to online or virtual learning activities that can be accessed and completed by students at their own pace and on their own schedule. This typically involves pre-recorded video lectures, discussion boards, assignments, and other resources that do not require real-time interaction.


How do I enroll my student in online courses?

If you want to enroll in online courses from MOCAP Course Providers, contact your school. Your school administrator or school counselor will help you with the enrollment process. Enrollment in a MOCAP course from a MOCAP Course Provider is subject to approval by your district.

MOCAP Course Providers:

  • Accelerate Education
  • eDynamic Learning
  • Imagine-Odysseyware
  • Acellus Academy
  • EYC Academy
  • Launch-Springfield Public Schools
  • Edmentum
  • Imagine-Edgenuity
  • SchoolsPLP

To enroll in a MOCAP Full-Time Provider, you will reach out directly to the provider using contact information listed on the MOCAP website. This information is located on the providers individual page in the “Parents and Students” section. There is no approval needed from your local school district for MOCAP Full-Time Provider.

MOCAP Full-Time Hosted Providers:

  • Greenways Academy-Boonville R-I School District
  • Missouri Connections Academy-Sturgeon R-V School District
  • R7 Online Academy-Lee’s Summit R-7 School District
  • Missouri Connections Academy-Louisiana R-II School District
  • Missouri Digital Academy-Laquey R5 School District
  • Virtual Preparatory Academy of MO-Atlanta C-3 School District
  • Launch-Springfield Public Schools
  • Missouri Virtual Academy-Grandview R-II School District

Does my student stay enrolled in the LEA if they are enrolled in MOCAP courses?

Enrolling in MOCAP courses means you are still enrolled in the LEA. If enrolled in a MOCAP Full-Time Provider, students leave their LEA and transfer to the LEA hosting the full-time MOCAP provider.


Does my foster child have the right to remain in the local LEA?

Under Section 167.019, RSMo, a foster care child does have a right to remain enrolled in their school of origin. However, since the student is voluntarily choosing enrollment in MOCAP, they are waiving that right because transfer is a condition of the MOCAP program.


If my student participates in MOCAP courses, are they still eligible for sports and activities?

If a student is enrolled in MOCAP courses, then the student does not transfer school districts and remains eligible for Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) sanctioned sports and activities by meeting the participation eligibility guidelines.

Students who enroll in full-time, hosted MOCAP programs are not eligible for MSHSAA sanctioned sports and activities, but may be able to participate in school-sponsored clubs and activities. Please check with the host district and provider for more information.


Where will my student’s high school diploma come from if they are a full-time online student?

Upon graduation, students enrolled in MOCAP Full-Time Providers, will receive their high school diplomas from the host district.


My student receives special education services or has a Section 504 Plan. Can they enroll in online learning?

MOCAP course enrollments are decided based on a process by local school districts. MOCAP Full-time Providers can give you more information about the special education services they provide when you reach out to them directly.


Does my student have to participate in Missouri state testing?

State law requires that MOCAP Full-Time Providers administer state assessments to enrolled students and be held accountable for assessment results in the same way other LEAs are held accountable for student performance. Many MOCAP Full-Time Providers will not allow a student who does not take state assessments to remain enrolled in their MOCAP program.


Can a student enroll in 6 courses from a MOCAP course provider and remain a student in the local district or charter school?

Students may enroll in six courses, which is considered the equivalent of a fulltime enrollment according to Section 161.670.2(1) RSMo. School policies and processes for approval of enrollment apply to MOCAP course requests.

  • Accelerate Education
  • eDynamic Learning
  • Imagine-Odysseyware
  • Acellus Academy
  • EYC Academy
  • Launch-Springfield Public Schools
  • Edmentum
  • Imagine-Edgenuity
  • SchoolsPLP


If a student is dropped for lack of engagement in instructional activities, the LEA will receive written notification from the MOCAP Full-Time Provider.

Resident LEAs then have provide the parents or guardians of the student with a written list of the educational options available for the student, enrolling the student in the option the parents or guardians select.

If the student was not enrolled in the resident LEA school prior to enrolling in the MOCAP Full-Time Provider, the resident LEA fulfills its obligations under Section 161.670.4(4), another school does not request the records of the student, and the parents or guardians do not file a homeschooling declaration, the host district will count the student as a dropout in Core Data reporting.


Can a student enroll directly in a full-time MOCAP program?

Students will enroll directly with MOCAP Full-Time Providers without first contacting their resident LEA. If a family seeks district or charter assistance, please direct them to the MOCAP Full-Time Provider.


Does an Education Services Plan (ESP) and Collaborative Agreement have to be developed for every student?

During the administrative rulemaking process, the department accepted a comment that will “Ensure that an Education Services Plan (ESP) andgreement is created for all services required to ensure a free and appropriate public education.” Based on this, providers, hosts, and resident districts must verify that all students have an ESP and Collaborative Agreement created for the services required to ensure FAPE.

Since Section 161.670.3(4)(f), RSMo, states that the full-time virtual enrollment policy must “[e]nsure that for any enrolling student, an education services plan and collaborative agreement is created to provide all services to ensure a free and appropriate public education, including financial terms for reimbursement by the host district for the necessary costs of any virtual program, school district, or public or private entity, providing all or a portion of such services” (emphasis added), the department changed the language in the proposed rule to reflect that the ESP and Collaborative Agreements will be in place for all services required to meet FAPE.

The department believe this provides all entities with some latitude to evaluate the student’s ESP, Collaborative Agreement, and enrollment plan.



For any student enrolling in a MOCAP Full-Time Provider, the host district will use the IDEA transfer process to conduct the student’s IEP team meeting. The host district must complete the final draft of the student’s ESP, Collaborative Agreement, and enrollment plan.


Can MOCAP students attend summer school?

Summer school open enrollment is still applicable. A student may attend summer school anywhere as is the usual summer school option. Using open enrollment, the LEA where the student is enrolled claims the student under its normal building codes as a “Resident I” student and will be paid using the normal basic state formula payment.

The LEA is responsible for paying the MOCAP provider for any MOCAP courses the student enrolled in during summer school.